Dressie Jessie Smocking Turns 6 and a Giveaway!

June 04, 2021 127 Comments

Hello! I've never been more grateful to add a year under my belt. I won't lie...year 5 to year 6 was a hard one. The pandemic rocked our world in ways that I couldn't have imagined, but one day at a time, we made it through. I'm incredibly grateful.

This year has been one of much reflection, and I thought as we celebrate 6 years in business, it would be appropriate to share with you the "why" behind Dressie Jessie Smocking: my family. Here we are! 

My husband, Rhett, and I just celebrated 26 years of marriage. He is my number one supporter, and I truly could not operate this business without him. (Side note: he is a huge UNC fan and despite my best efforts, he's always dressed in his Carolina gear, lol). We have 3 sons and 1 daughter. Nathan (22) is a chemical engineering major at Virginia Tech. Matt (21) is a marketing major at Virginia Tech. Andrew (18) also plans to major in marketing but is breaking the mold and heading to James Madison University in the fall. Caroline (15) is wrapping up her first year of high school and is anxiously awaiting her driver's license which is coming too soon for this momma! These 5 are my world. Now that our children are (mostly) grown, I find myself looking at them in complete awe. Wasn't it just yesterday my boys were in jon-jons and Caroline in smocked bishops? Wasn't it just yesterday that toys were E V E R Y W H E R E? Wasn't it just yesterday that no one liked what I made for dinner? Ha! 

So hear me, young moms. Cherish the craziness and the sleepless nights. Embrace the mess. And dress those sweet children in outfits that bring you joy. Make memories that will last because before you know it, they're going to be grown and soaring beyond your reach. It's scary, but it's also beautiful. 

To you, my precious customers, thank you for your loyalty and support over the past 6 years. Every sale, every like on social media, every kind word...it means more to me than I could ever express in a blog post. So let's celebrate 6 years with a giveaway! Entering is easy! Just leave a comment below for a chance to win a $50 Dressie Jessie Smocking gift card. :)

I'll notify the winner (and announce here) on Monday. 

Sending hugs of gratitude to you all! XO, Jessie

CONGRATULATIONS to Raven Weber! We emailed your gift card this morning! 



27 Responses

Lesley Lipscomb
Lesley Lipscomb

June 05, 2021

Congratulations!!! We are so grateful to have a local, family-owned shop to buy all the sweetest smocked outfits! We have shopped with you for years for my son and now we get to shop for my sweet baby girl! Our purchases have been passed down to friends and family and will be saved for my grandbabies to wear some day many years from now! Thanks for all you do!!!

Missy mitxhell
Missy mitxhell

June 05, 2021

I have several pieces of Dressie Jessie clothing and I love them all. Thank you for providing such great clothing to us.


June 05, 2021

Happy Birthday! Thank you for sharing your gift with our children.

Tamara Thomson
Tamara Thomson

June 05, 2021

Congratulations on 6 years! Love your clothing for my kids!

Katelyn Walter
Katelyn Walter

June 05, 2021

Your post brought tears to my eyes because my oldest is officially 3.5 as of yesterday and will soon outgrow her bishops and bloomer sets that she wears every.single.day. And my son is 11 months tomorrow and I just know I’ll miss these days. One day I’ll be able to relax on the beach in peace but that day is not here yet and I’m trying everyday to embrace it and soak it all in. Thank you!!

Elizabeth Feldpausch
Elizabeth Feldpausch

June 05, 2021

Congratulations!! I can’t believe it’s only been six years!!

Margaret Goldsmith
Margaret Goldsmith

June 05, 2021

As a grandmother, I love buying Dressy Jessie Smocking clothes for my grandchildren.


June 05, 2021

Time is flying by way too quickly for this mama too! Thank you for all of your hard work, so I can dress my 3 babies in matching smocked outfits.

meredith mandel
meredith mandel

June 05, 2021

I always check Dressie Jessie for new seasonal outfits for my twins before looking anywhere else! I love the quality and most of all I love supporting a fellow Virginian Mom!


June 05, 2021

Love this sweet little shop! The watermelon bishop will always be a favorite of mine! Cheers to SIX years!

Janna Vincenzes
Janna Vincenzes

June 05, 2021

Congratulations on 6 years!! I remember my first Dressie Jessie purchase for my (now 4 year old and 6 year old!) so many years ago. I have gone back to Dressie Jessie many times since that first purchase for birthday and holiday celebrations knowing that I would get top notch quality and service! Thank you for all you have done! I so cherish the pics and memories of my children in your sweet outfits!


June 05, 2021

Your family is so beautiful and you have hit so many milestones! As my kids hit the ages of outgrowing all the sweet clothes I will be so sad. Congratulations on your journey!

Whitney Smith
Whitney Smith

June 05, 2021

Time sure does fly! My oldest has outgrown all the sweet things but I still have 2 littles to dress sweetly. You have beautiful clothes for baby boys and little girls!

Kelsie Duggan
Kelsie Duggan

June 05, 2021


Martin Smith
Martin Smith

June 05, 2021

Happy 6 years!! I love your cute clothes 😍 And you’re right, time moves so fast so enjoy every moment! It’s hard to picture our children being grown, but I know it’ll happen so fast!!

Misty Avery
Misty Avery

June 05, 2021

Thank you for the blog today. I agree with you. Moms need to “savor the moment.” They pass far too quickly.

Lauren Duncan
Lauren Duncan

June 05, 2021

Congrats! We love your sweet outfits, especially love coordinating my son & daughter for a timeless look!

Cara McAuley
Cara McAuley

June 05, 2021

I’m a long time customer and I loved hearing your story! Thank you for sharing! I’m also a JMU grad! (Go Dukes!).

Ramsay Curry
Ramsay Curry

June 05, 2021

Congratulations on six years! Here’s to many, many more!

Kyle Hurtado
Kyle Hurtado

June 05, 2021

I just recently found your shop and have loved buying my 3 children clothes for special holidays— they are unique, precious items. Thank you!

Kimberly Lloyd
Kimberly Lloyd

June 05, 2021

Happy birthday Dressie Jessie! I love dressing up my babies while supporting a great local business. Cheers to six years!

Anne-Randolph Carter
Anne-Randolph Carter

June 05, 2021

We <3 Dressie Jessie. Congratulations on the past 6 years and cheers to the next 6!

Jessica Robertson
Jessica Robertson

June 05, 2021

Happy six years! Happy anniversary to you and your husband and congratulations to all of your children on such wonderful academic accomplishments! (Go Dukes!)

Ashley Fisher
Ashley Fisher

June 05, 2021

I loved dressing my 3 children in their matching dressie Jessie outfits for my daughter’s newborn photo shoot, almost a year ago now. Congratulations on 6 years!!

Alexandra Van Deman
Alexandra Van Deman

June 05, 2021

Congratulations on 6 years! What an accomplishment

Patricia Atkins
Patricia Atkins

June 05, 2021

Congratulations on 6 years! We love your clothing!

Virginia Watkins
Virginia Watkins

June 05, 2021

Happy anniversary!! Six years is wonderful! Loved reading about your family. Congratulations!!

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